A federal court jury in the Southern District of Illinois returned a unanimous $1.6 million verdict for a railroad conductor who was injured while working for BNSF.  The jury deliberated nearly four hours in reaching its verdict, finding that the railroad was negligent and violated the Locomotive Inspection act in causing the plaintiff’s injuries, which included back trouble and a concussion.  The verdict followed a week long trial of the case in Benton, Illinois by HGSS attorneys Steve Stolze, Eric Holland and Seth Crompton.  The multi-million dollar verdict is the fourth straight jury verdict this year in favor of railroad workers represented by HGSS.  The firm represents injured railroad workers across the country in claims arising under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA)

For additional information about FELA or a FELA case, please contact HGSS:  info@allfela.com or 1-877-ALL-FELA.



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